Thursday, March 3, 2011

Grandpa Jerry

My family is in a great deal of pain; sweet Grandpa Jerry passed away today. It was a long battle with many fights to fight, but even in that period of watching and waiting, the final blow hits harder than you'd expect.

The grieving process is always hard, but to add insult to injury, I'm feeling disconnected from family across the country, and wishing so much I could be with them to talk, cry, and remember together. They have all been gracious and kind, looking forward to sweet time together in May to celebrate and remember Grandpa, and keeping in touch as much as possible through every other means available. Makes me grateful to live in a world of cell phones, video chats, blogs, and efficient mail! It's nice to know that we are all praying for one another, that's the biggest connection I think. It also helps to have great friends here who give so much love, a listening ear, hugs, and fond memories of both Grandpa and the family.

The best words I've heard yet: Today is a great day for Grandpa. Today he feels no pain, he is rejoicing, and he is just exactly where he'd like to be. It helps to know that he is absolutely loving life at the moment, just like he did when he was around all of us.

And Grandpa was just about the most loving guy I knew: full of life, laughter, fun ideas, and usually delicious food :) He made the best peanut butter brittle (I'm ruined for life and now a "brittle snob" in fact!), always seemed to be working on a project, and remains respected in the communities where he made an impact on so many lives. Growing up I always thought he was at least 7 feet tall, and always wanted to be carried by him so I could feel as powerful and strong as he was. Plus, he usually had hidden away a yummy treat in his pocket, and the only way to get to it was to climb up in his arms and get a big hug. It's hard to know what I loved more - the hug or sharing the candy bar with him! The combo was the best deal by far, though. To this day a mystery remains, ... how could someone so wise and accomplished never be able to figure out how to say a Disney Princess' name correctly? The cousins all spent a good majority of our lives saying "No, Grandpa, it's Cinderella, not Cinderelly!" And giggling all throughout the day as he just could not get the right word on his tongue. He knew how to make us laugh, and was adored universally by us kids. Would it be cliche to say he put the Grand in Grandpa? If so, then I'm cliche and I don't care who knows it! ;)

Grandpa, Brooklyn and I. Not sure what was going on, but it must have been fun!

Dad with Grandma and Grandpa. Gpa Looked away at the last second, but I still love this picture. What a good looking family, eh?

All in all, this is for your Grandpa. You are so very loved, and I'm so grateful to have had you as an example in life! Enjoy your sweet time with Jesus, and we'll get to hang out with you oh-so-soon!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Attack of the Vacuum

I started to Vacuum the living room tonight, and the sweet scent of pine filled the room. "This is great!" I thought - we haven't had the room smelling like a Christmas Tree since we, in fact, had a Christmas tree in the house. So, I kept vacumming and all was well.

Or so I thought.

After a few pleasant minutes of cleaning, the vacuum decided to absolutely shut down. Didn't work on one setting, and the other (stronger) setting sounded just awful. With that, the investigation began.
Step 1) Clean out the floor brush. 3 Girls' worth of hair is not a good thing for a small vacuum. Poor suffocating roll brush...

Step 2) Clean out the cup and filter. No problems there. In fact, there weren't any pine needles in it at all, which after the Christmas clean up it should have been absolutely FILLED with needles.


Step 3) Spend the next 40 minutes alternately digging into the back of the vacuum with a spoon and tipping it over, delivering piles and piles of pine needles.

It was slow going, but eventually our little Eureka sucker guy was able to breathe again, and Christmas clean up is officially behind us!