Sunday, August 7, 2011

Moments that Make You Smile

The other day Brett and I had a conversation about the things that bring us the most joy in life for no apparent reason. It was such a happy event! Lately we've been forcing ourselves to be and think in a "Big Picture" sort of way. Where will we be in the next 3-5 years? What are the most important elements of our wedding, jobs, apartment hunt.... and how can we keep  an open mind and not get too distracted by details? But sometimes, the fact of the matter is - it's about the little things in life.

Here are a few we came up with:
  • Being able to pee standing up. Obviously, this is one of Brett's favorite things about being a guy (and I don't think he's alone). Though I can't share in the glory (yet) I can certainly appreciate the sentiment. Thanks be to God!
  • A chilled glass of water just when you need it. So refreshing!
  • Driving during sunset. I don't think I've ever seen a sunset that isn't worth starting at. But some in particular are so stunning they take your breath away. What a gift!
  • Pictures of puppies. Why does this always make us so happy? Who knows, but we love it! 
  • Repeating something funny moments after it is said. For some reason, unbeknownst to us, it is hilarious for people to repeat worthy phrases or sentences in the presence of the person who just said it. It doesn't seem to get old, and it definitely keeps us laughing!
We got some fantastic little moments of joy from this conversation, and it was a great reminder to look out for simple pleasures in life. No matter what big event is looming, or what decisions need to be made - there is always an abundance of happiness to be found!