Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happiness Day

Today is the International Day of Happiness! The day comes from the idea that perhaps the most important goal for our world and people to pursue is happiness - and more specifically - the happiness of others. We would be a better people, and live in a better world if each day was committed to bringing happiness to others, rather than wealth or convenience to ourselves. 

In this theme, there is a call to ACT - 

Affirm the pledge: commit to acting for happiness
Cheer happy heroes: tell someone who spreads happiness why you appreciate them
Take part: do something big or small to make the world a happier place today

Who are your happiness heroes? What or who makes you happy, and how can you share that with others?

Have a happy day!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Got a Good One

I don't brag about my husband nearly enough, and I should. I frequently remember little ways he has impacted me, imparted some wisdom, brought me back to reality, or made me laugh, so I feel like I am always bragging about him - but it doesn't count when I say it to myself! So, here is it:

My husband is the best. The absolute best. I LOVE hanging out with him, hearing his thought processes, learning from him, and dreaming with him. What a keeper.

He tends to put my in my place and help me be a better, more humble and thoughtful person while still making me feel valued and worthwhile. He speaks in kindness, thinks ahead to what might make me happy, and done his darndest to do those things on a regular basis. 

When I'm a crazy woman stereotype he responds with care, and a genuine concern for my well-being (and maybe sometimes his own safety), and when I'm surprisingly cool-headed, clever-witted, or collected and on top of things, he is as proud as can be, reveling in the success that, at that moment, is me. What a guy.

He's my guy, ain't no other man, my love, my friend, my sweetheart and darling. He is all things that come in cheesy love songs, and more. 

And now you know!

Thursday, November 15, 2012



I feel yucky today. All week really. This cold just won't go away! Oi....

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Busy Busy Busy!

I'm not sure why, but I kinda thought there would be some sort of restful time after moving. Maybe a few days to catch our breath, take a moment, take it all in. Spend some time getting to know our city, or not. 


And I mean big-time wrong. 

We have been going nonstop for what seems like forever, with not much of an end in sight! We haven't been home much in the past few weeks - with trips, reunions, interviews, gatherings, meetings, and the like taking over our time. What little time we do have together and home is precious - and of course all the things vying for our attention are meaningful, fun, and worthwhile. But I am looking forward to a few days' rest, whenever that may be.

On the horizon:

Beauty and the Beast, Broadway Style with the Family (awesome!); 
Cousin's Baby Shower in Indiana (yay!); 
Med School Interview #2 in Tennessee (woo!); 
Plus assortment of other important and good things that tend to take time to accomplish (like work, grocery shopping, fixing up the backyard, training Piper not to jump on Achilles and Grayson as a way of saying "Hi", etc.)

Onward through Fall we march!