Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sometimes all you can do is stare at the ceiling...

Here's a good look at my evening. Or, I suppose ... a good current view of my evening.
Yes. This is just about as mundane as it gets. I've run out of ways to distract myself, and am officially calling the game. Chances of redemption are gone and it's time to face it - I'm just bored.

It started off well enough - waking up at a great time, yummy breakfast, lazy morning, and some great deals online shopping! Finished a book (more on that soon...) and caught up on Entertainment News just because it felt like a Saturday thing to do. But even with all that, it ended with sitting on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, listening to Ingrid Michaelson. (Note: Ingrid's the best when it feels like life is a bummer in a clever sort of way.)

Today was the kind of day where you couldn't go outside too much; it was cold, windy, and hard to be out. But, it wasn't the kind of real rainy weather that makes you cozy up and feel justified staying inside with a warm mug and a good book.

It was also the kind of day that seemed more quiet than usual. Not too much traffic outside, not many noises from the neighbors, and even the ocean was more still.  Plus, I always think finishing a good book puts a bit of a damper on even the best days. There's a bittersweet taste to it - a completing and joy in finishing the task (especially the 400+ pagers!), but having to say goodbye to familiar characters and places can be as tough a a real-life goodbye.

Sometimes all you can say about a day, or a season for that matter, is that it was mostly good. And today was mostly good, even though it's ending with me staring at the plain looking ceiling fan.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you about finishing a good book, it's such a weird feeling sometimes, you just want to put off finishing it so you don't have to say goodbye (at least you can re-read it in a few years :-) What book was it?
