Monday, October 10, 2011

A Month of Married Bliss!

Happy October 10th! 10.10.11. A very fun day, Columbus Day, and (drum-roll please) our 1st "Lunaversary"! That's right, we have been married for 1 month now, and what a fantastic time we've had! Of course, by now we are absolute Pros, but we still find ourselves surprised by the occasional lesson to learn. Allow me to elaborate ...

Bathroom Towels
I hang on a hook or fold on the rack, he places it over the curtain rod. We quickly learned that my priority is a clean and uniform look, and his is to have a dryer towel quicker. Both worthy causes. Not sure who will win out in the end, but I'm fairly certain the odds are in my favor for this one. :)

Time Away
After doing long distance for so long, probably the biggest surprise being married is how much more we want to be around each other! You'd think we would have grown some kind of muscle in this area - being ok with a few hours apart, or even a day! But no - we are both shocked and pleased to learn that the more time we spend together, the better it gets, and the more we want!
Love it.

I am not creative in this area. Breakfast can be stunning, lunch is fun an creative. But dinner? Help! How do you make things delicious, nutritious, easy, and find the motivation to do it all well? Every night? I'm turning to for this one, but it's slow-going to be sure.

The Bedroom
Apparently this is the one room in the house I don't mind being messy. Who knew? ;) I have become somewhat AR about cleanliness in other rooms, and making sure all is organized. But without fail the first room to go (and the last one to be cleaned) is the bedroom. Is it because it is so easy to block off and keep out of company's view? Is it because of my habit of changing outfits frequently throughout the day? Perhaps.
This may be a mystery we never solve.

...So there you have it - a few small lessons (from our plentiful stock) that we have learned after a mere 30 days. There are more to come I know, and each day is so full of wonder we can't help but be grateful in the midst of it all.


  1. Recipes on the Food Network website come with links to their food dictionary, so if it calls for something baked in a "jelly roll pan" and you're like, "What's a jelly roll pan??!!" You can click on the word and it gives you exactly what it is! Awesome tool for the novice house wife ;0)

  2. I'll tell you who knew! I knew! your bedroom growing up was frequently less than neat. Love that you are enjoying this sweet time together.

  3. Oh I love this! The first few months are the best! LEarning to live with a boy.... an experience of it's own... :) Keep the blogs coming, so much fun! Do you guys have a favorite meal yet?

  4. You're blogging again! It's expected now that you don't have a wedding to plan for. Here's my take on the dinner dilemma... crock pot! Did you get one? If not, go get one. Then throw some meat (chicken, ground turkey) and then cans of whatever (beans, corn, chilis, etc.) and push on. If you don't mind... I'll make chili and then we'll eat it for 2-3 days that week!
