Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Picture of Moving

It's been a bittersweet few days as we grow closer to our next big move. Thank goodness we have been presented with some amazing opportunities to be with friends doing superbly California-ish activities: Sailing, Beach Bonfires, Barbeques, and the like!

In general, the balance between planning ahead or accomplishing tasks and living in the present has been very good. We're getting a lot done, but also finding time to spend time with people who we will miss deeply! 

Today is a task day, and as I pack a few boxes here and there I'm struck by how quickly time has flown by. It seems like minutes ago I was finally done setting up the house and feeling at home here. One of my favorite spots is our living room - it is open, airy, bright, and shows the "Ostrander Style" well, I think. It's sad to see walls that I've become accustomed to enjoying looking so plain again.

But, the sweet backside to moving: I'm getting an even clearer look at things that I've missed over the past months. It's so fun to take just a moment to look through that photo album one more time and relieve a few memories, or to see a collection of photo frames from all over the apartment and get a full look at our beautiful life! 

Moving forward isn't so bad, as long as one remembers to take a look around and rest in the present, too!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Golden Grahams

I'm not always sure how this happens, but every once in awhile a trip to YouTube ends up being a trip down memory lane. I came across this little gem tonight (don't ask me how ... I have plenty of friends who can attest to the fact that once I step inside the world of YouTube there's no telling what will happen, or how long I'll be ensnared!) 

At any rate, this one brought a smile to my face and so many memories along with it ...

Now, Golden Grahams were never staple, or even a regular in our house growing up. We never liked them all that much to be perfectly honest - but the commercial was always a delightful treat! And who knows? Maybe with grown-up taste buds I'll be able to appreciate the sweet graham cracker taste sometime soon!

But here's to nostalgia, all the same. Cheers - and don't forget to start your week with a complete breakfast!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

On the Horizon

A few fun events are in the works for the next few weeks, and since they are so exciting I thought I'd share about them! First:
We got a great discount on tickets recently, and can't wait to go on this adventure! The animal exhibits are supposed to be fantastic, and there's even a schedules cheetah run. Pictures to come!

Next Up: Mid-Next week we're going to enjoy dinner in LA before picking up friends at the airport. Not sure where we'll go yet, but it will be a fun break from the norm. And maybe we'll even *gasp* see a famous face or two!

 Saturday will be a fantastic time having friends over to our apartment one last time before camp. There will be loads of games, great food, laughter, and sharing stories. It will be so bittersweet to leave this great street and our first home, but we're looking forward to new adventures!

Later on in May we were honored to be asked to attend with some of our Director a spring concert event hosted by the Wooden Floor Dance Studio, where many of our campers come from. We'll be able to hear about some of the kids' experiences, hear from the directors of the program, and watch the dance they have been working so hard on. The Wooden Floor is an incredible ministry, and we're so glad to be a part of what they are doing in the lives of kids. 

And of course, we are gearing up for one more summer at camp! The next 3 months will be a Wild West Adventure in Bass Lake, full of campfires on Star Rock, Meadow Games, Brother-Friend, Adventure Games, Banana Boating, and so much more!