Sunday, May 6, 2012

Golden Grahams

I'm not always sure how this happens, but every once in awhile a trip to YouTube ends up being a trip down memory lane. I came across this little gem tonight (don't ask me how ... I have plenty of friends who can attest to the fact that once I step inside the world of YouTube there's no telling what will happen, or how long I'll be ensnared!) 

At any rate, this one brought a smile to my face and so many memories along with it ...

Now, Golden Grahams were never staple, or even a regular in our house growing up. We never liked them all that much to be perfectly honest - but the commercial was always a delightful treat! And who knows? Maybe with grown-up taste buds I'll be able to appreciate the sweet graham cracker taste sometime soon!

But here's to nostalgia, all the same. Cheers - and don't forget to start your week with a complete breakfast!

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