Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Centennial State

One of the first highlights of this year, and a fun step for me professionally was my first real-live, on my own business trip! I got to venture out to Boulder, Colorado for 2 days while participating in "CampMinder Camp". More on what we did at "Camp" later, but for now a bit about the place! 

This beautiful spot on the map, affectionately and appropriately called "Colorful Colorado" is one of my new favorites. The weather was stunning and warm, the mountains clear and beautiful! I had so much fun even just looking out the window each day.

Here is a view of Boulder from above.

And the Flatirons - These were amazing to look at each morning!

...and here's the cute little hotel ("Golden Buff") where I stayed.


You might think it was "just" a best-western, but I had a great time. They had a hot tub and spa, a little putt-putt area, and the staff were so nice there. Now if only they would provide heated blankets in the rooms...!

 *Disclaimer - I forgot my camera, so none of these pics are mine. Had to resort to Google images :) Better pictures next time!* 

So, the idea of CampMinder camp is to gather as many of the camps who use CampMinder as their main registration and tracking system and 1) teach the ins and outs of the system so we can better utilize it as a resource, and 2) brainstorm for a few days on how to improve the system as a whole. As far as learning the system, the time this week confirmed again for me that I know it well and helped me feel confident in that. The brainstorming was encouraging, as many of the things that camps need and want are already becoming available this year, or soon after. But by far my favorite part of the two days had to be meeting other camp professionals, being able to "talk shop", and meeting the great CampMinder staff who have helped us to much this year already. It was so fun and encouraging to realize that YSSC is part of a much bigger community, and we all share many of the same struggles and successes! I hope that not only I get to go next year, but that others will be able to join me! 

All in all, a great event to attend, and I plan on visiting Colorful Colorado on my own again soon!

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