Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Got a Good One

I don't brag about my husband nearly enough, and I should. I frequently remember little ways he has impacted me, imparted some wisdom, brought me back to reality, or made me laugh, so I feel like I am always bragging about him - but it doesn't count when I say it to myself! So, here is it:

My husband is the best. The absolute best. I LOVE hanging out with him, hearing his thought processes, learning from him, and dreaming with him. What a keeper.

He tends to put my in my place and help me be a better, more humble and thoughtful person while still making me feel valued and worthwhile. He speaks in kindness, thinks ahead to what might make me happy, and done his darndest to do those things on a regular basis. 

When I'm a crazy woman stereotype he responds with care, and a genuine concern for my well-being (and maybe sometimes his own safety), and when I'm surprisingly cool-headed, clever-witted, or collected and on top of things, he is as proud as can be, reveling in the success that, at that moment, is me. What a guy.

He's my guy, ain't no other man, my love, my friend, my sweetheart and darling. He is all things that come in cheesy love songs, and more. 

And now you know!

Thursday, November 15, 2012



I feel yucky today. All week really. This cold just won't go away! Oi....

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Busy Busy Busy!

I'm not sure why, but I kinda thought there would be some sort of restful time after moving. Maybe a few days to catch our breath, take a moment, take it all in. Spend some time getting to know our city, or not. 


And I mean big-time wrong. 

We have been going nonstop for what seems like forever, with not much of an end in sight! We haven't been home much in the past few weeks - with trips, reunions, interviews, gatherings, meetings, and the like taking over our time. What little time we do have together and home is precious - and of course all the things vying for our attention are meaningful, fun, and worthwhile. But I am looking forward to a few days' rest, whenever that may be.

On the horizon:

Beauty and the Beast, Broadway Style with the Family (awesome!); 
Cousin's Baby Shower in Indiana (yay!); 
Med School Interview #2 in Tennessee (woo!); 
Plus assortment of other important and good things that tend to take time to accomplish (like work, grocery shopping, fixing up the backyard, training Piper not to jump on Achilles and Grayson as a way of saying "Hi", etc.)

Onward through Fall we march!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Today will be a great day! Minus the spiders (why, of all creatures, did spiders have to be a main feature of this otherwise fantastic candy filled holiday?) Halloween has always been a fantastic celebration and full of happy memories. A few favorite things:

1. Dad's Birthday. "He would be born on Halloween", is usually the response I get when I tell people. It's true, too. Who better to be born than my dad on a day that celebrates characters, tricks, treats, laughter, and candy? No one, that's who.

2. Candy

3. Did I mention candy?

4. Pumpkin Carving. My brother in law takes the cake on this one - he is a brilliant pumpkin carver. Like a true artist, he is never satisfied with his work, but we all stand around "oohing" and "ahhing" over each year's new creation. This year he made one pumpkin with his kids' hands/feet as the face. It was brilliant! The other, was a beautiful carving of "Singing in the Rain", complete with a street lamp and umbrella. Again, gorgeous.

5. Cute kids in costumes. Grayson is Tigger this year, and growls for candy. It doesn't get much better than that! Brooklyn is a beautiful winter Belle, and curtsies while saying "Merci!". And Madi, when in Jaime's carrier, becomes a little popcorn baggie. So awesome! Props to Jaime for her creativity and craftiness on that one as well.

All in all, Halloween is a fun, whimsical, candy-filled day with lots of laughter and love. Plus, it is the unofficial kick-off to the holiday season. From here we speed right into Thanksgiving, then it's just a few short weeks to Christmas and New Years!

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I made coffee this morning. Let me repeat that. I made coffee this morning. 

There was a need in the office, and I filled that need. I brewed coffee on a brand new machine. I brewed it like it was hot. And it was. And the best part? It was delicious

But let's start at the beginning.

I'm not a fan of new technology. In general, manuals and set-up, troubleshooting and experimentation: Not my strong-suit. I can rise to the challenge when
absolutely necessary (and, since my life has proven to be a string of incidents like printer jams, virus alerts, or error messages I have had to do that more often than I would like.) 

What can I say? I have a special connection with flip phones, good old fashioned hot water kettles, and using a cookbook instead of an app. I'm not what you would call a "trailblazer" or a "trail follower". If I were on a trail I would have stopped at the first river because figuring out how to ford the river would have been too much of a hassle. But I digress..

Here in our office we have quite a few professors, researchers, and even an occasional IT guy who need a good cup of coffee, especially on those cold rainy Georgia days. So, I thought to myself this morning, "Today, I will learn how to work the coffee maker, and we WILL have fresh coffee this Autumn". I quietly made my way into the break room, read the directions 3 times for clarity, and 


Ten minutes later (only ten minutes!!) a lovely smell came out. Roasted coffee beans. Just the right strength. Add a little french vanilla creamer, and you've got yourself a morning cup o' jo. De-licious.

Who knew modern technology could be so easy? ;) Next up, I tackle the touch screen.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

An Aunt's Life

To my sweet, eldest niece:

You make me laugh! Do I tell you that enough? You exude feeling - perhaps more than anyone I know, you feel things deeply and truly. You are full of life, drama, conversation, opinions, and all sorts of hilarity. I don't always know what a day with you will entail, but I know that at the end I will have many more stories than time to tell them. And so here are a few....

First, you are learning Spanish right now, and a few phrases that have continued to bring you (and us) joy are:

"Mama, may I go to the bano, please?"

"Hola, Tia!"

"Hola Papa, Como Esta?"

Next, While all of us adults were talking, rather passionately and loudly as we often do, you seemed to be in your own world of play. But when we couldn't decide on the time of a recent event ("It was 8:00 I think"..."No it must have been 9:00...") you burst into the conversation and with your loudest, most authoritative voice you stood up to say "It was 9!!" Then, with a look around the room a heavy sigh you said, "I just can't handle this anymore.." and left us in astonished laughter.

Third and finally, You have truly grown up a Georgia Peach. While singing the song "Little Bunny Foo Foo" (Lyrics Here) you changed the chorus to say "..Down came the good ol' fairy..." in perfect southern style!

Hanging with you has always been and continues to be one of my favorite things to do. I love you, Chica!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Great is Thy Faithfulness!

We are more or less settled here in Georgia, and have had so many reminders of God's faithfulness throughout the process. The mantra and phrase that keeps coming up in conversation for us is "our daily bread", and we are finding that God's faithfulness and goodness, though abundant, is making itself known in small, sweet packages. It comes in the form of a phone call invitation to interview for med school when we weren't sure we would hear back at all, or a text message about a beautiful little townhome in our price range that was available immediately one we pulled into the state. 

We're doing our best to be wise, prayerful, and have discernment in all things - and I think we keep both sense that we will be Ok, that we're covered, cared-for, and looked after. It doesn't change the need to make good decisions or be thoughtful, and we've certainly had our share of doubts, second guesses, and frustrations, but God's faithfulness continues to be stronger than our faults and failures.

That being said, there is much to be grateful for, and I look ahead with hope and gladness to this new season - whatever may come!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Home Sweet Home: Georgia Style

Here is it! 

Home, Sweet Home!

We are here in Smyrna, Georgia and couldn't feel more blessed with this little spot. We've enjoyed so much turning "house" into "home", decorating, dreaming, and enjoying the space. It's a great neighborhood, and we've already enjoyed conversations with neighbors. Piper is taken with the yard, and keeps us laughing with the way she tears around the entire house running freely. 

I can't wait to take a picture of the house during each season here. The tree in the front yard is already starting to change color, and I'm sure it will be gorgeous! There is even a bit of mistletoe we can pick off the lower branches to keep in the house during the Christmas season. Sweet!

We are so comfortable here, and look forward to more happy seasons to come! And for a bit more about where we live:

Smyrna: Jonquil City
Population: About 51,000+
Location: 10 miles NW of Atlanta
Fun Facts: A scene from the movie "Joyful Noise" was filmed here; though part of Cobb County, Smyrna has its own library system; Julia Roberts lived here, and Atlanta Bread Company headquarters are located here.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Picture of Moving

It's been a bittersweet few days as we grow closer to our next big move. Thank goodness we have been presented with some amazing opportunities to be with friends doing superbly California-ish activities: Sailing, Beach Bonfires, Barbeques, and the like!

In general, the balance between planning ahead or accomplishing tasks and living in the present has been very good. We're getting a lot done, but also finding time to spend time with people who we will miss deeply! 

Today is a task day, and as I pack a few boxes here and there I'm struck by how quickly time has flown by. It seems like minutes ago I was finally done setting up the house and feeling at home here. One of my favorite spots is our living room - it is open, airy, bright, and shows the "Ostrander Style" well, I think. It's sad to see walls that I've become accustomed to enjoying looking so plain again.

But, the sweet backside to moving: I'm getting an even clearer look at things that I've missed over the past months. It's so fun to take just a moment to look through that photo album one more time and relieve a few memories, or to see a collection of photo frames from all over the apartment and get a full look at our beautiful life! 

Moving forward isn't so bad, as long as one remembers to take a look around and rest in the present, too!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Golden Grahams

I'm not always sure how this happens, but every once in awhile a trip to YouTube ends up being a trip down memory lane. I came across this little gem tonight (don't ask me how ... I have plenty of friends who can attest to the fact that once I step inside the world of YouTube there's no telling what will happen, or how long I'll be ensnared!) 

At any rate, this one brought a smile to my face and so many memories along with it ...

Now, Golden Grahams were never staple, or even a regular in our house growing up. We never liked them all that much to be perfectly honest - but the commercial was always a delightful treat! And who knows? Maybe with grown-up taste buds I'll be able to appreciate the sweet graham cracker taste sometime soon!

But here's to nostalgia, all the same. Cheers - and don't forget to start your week with a complete breakfast!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

On the Horizon

A few fun events are in the works for the next few weeks, and since they are so exciting I thought I'd share about them! First:
We got a great discount on tickets recently, and can't wait to go on this adventure! The animal exhibits are supposed to be fantastic, and there's even a schedules cheetah run. Pictures to come!

Next Up: Mid-Next week we're going to enjoy dinner in LA before picking up friends at the airport. Not sure where we'll go yet, but it will be a fun break from the norm. And maybe we'll even *gasp* see a famous face or two!

 Saturday will be a fantastic time having friends over to our apartment one last time before camp. There will be loads of games, great food, laughter, and sharing stories. It will be so bittersweet to leave this great street and our first home, but we're looking forward to new adventures!

Later on in May we were honored to be asked to attend with some of our Director a spring concert event hosted by the Wooden Floor Dance Studio, where many of our campers come from. We'll be able to hear about some of the kids' experiences, hear from the directors of the program, and watch the dance they have been working so hard on. The Wooden Floor is an incredible ministry, and we're so glad to be a part of what they are doing in the lives of kids. 

And of course, we are gearing up for one more summer at camp! The next 3 months will be a Wild West Adventure in Bass Lake, full of campfires on Star Rock, Meadow Games, Brother-Friend, Adventure Games, Banana Boating, and so much more!